Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Been a while since I last wrote in here, trying to balance out my time with family, friends, studying and all.

Anyways, I have LOADS to talk about. I just need to find the right time to write it all down so I can send the message clearly.

Monday, November 16, 2009

You're always a winner

Your hard work never goes to waste.

"Every job is a self portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Good morning world

Alarm clock rings...

You hit the snooze button not having the motivation to get up and start your day

Think of at least ONE reason that will get you out of bed with a smile. <3

Good morning and have a nice day. : )

Friday, November 13, 2009

Always remember...

THINK before you speak or act.

Rushing into things is never good.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I thought I knew you

It's such a shame, when you've known someone for years and in a blink of an eye, they make you rethink what you had. If it was real or just a big complete lie.

The base of the whole friendship thing is based on HONESTY. Not "Lie"... Honesty.

You're so transparent. I see right through your lies so stop trying to be the innocent one.

I'm sorry I wasted my time on you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Always has, always will be...

 Life is a roller coaster...
You'll never know when you might hit a curve or go way up high almost reaching the clouds

 Or when you'll be falling flat on your face...

Enjoy the ride. 

Thursday, October 29, 2009


If you want something done well, do it yourself .

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Listen to the rain

Listen to each drop of rain (listen listen)
whispering secrets in vain, (listen listen)
Frantically searching for someone to hear
their story before they hit ground.

Please don't let go!
Can't we stay for awhile?
It's just too hard to say goodbye.
Listen to the Rain!

Listen listen listen ... to the Rain

I stand alone in the storm.
Suddenly sweet words take hold:
"Hurry!" they say, "for you haven't much time!
"Open your eyes to the love around you;
"you may feel you're alone,
"but I'm here still with you.
"You can do what you dream,
"just remember to
"Listen to the Rain."

(song by Evanescence - Listen to the rain)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Follow the crowd, blindly...

Fashion, following the latest trends is almost a must nowadays. Majority of people all over the world are looking for what is "in" through fashion TV shows, celebrities at the red carpet or fashion magazines. It's almost an obsession for some.

Not all fashion trends suit ALL people. For example, here in the middle east, majority of women wear the hejab but still want to wear the latest fashion. And sometimes it doesn't work out because women who wear hejab must wear clothes that cover their whole body (excluding the face and hands) and it should NOT be tight.

Unfortunately, a large percentage of that category of women violate the islamic rules of hejab by wearing clothes that does not go along with the hejab. They, somehow, can work the latest trend out to fit with the hejab. Otherwise, lose the hejab it's more respectful than dissing it with that revealing outfit.

Another thing, some people take fashion to the extreme! Simple example: Spiked hair (for guys) and the Puff (for girls) I mean, come on guys seriously??
Guys with spiked hair here look electrocuted It's not even funny! It is NOT "cool", it does NOT make you look "cool", you look scary. Please, if you know someone who does their hair like that, shave their heads off and save the humans' eye sight. And girls, easy on the hair spray and you might want to lower that mountain on your head, you're blocking the world's view.

My point is, simplicity in fashion always looks the best. Trying too hard to look "fashionable" is only going to make you look bad.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Just Breathe

Everything is alright if you just breathe

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nothing is impossible

Life is all about give and take.

If you are just sitting back doing nothing, expecting that you will be getting something at the end, you're wrong. You get as much as you work.

From my own experience in life, I faced a LOT of difficulties, and had distant goals that I had to get to in order to get on with my life. I worked hard, I put an effort into it, I came around the problems from every angle just to see through the obstacle that was keeping me from going. I won't deny the fact that I had thoughts about giving up, and I DID get tired and felt hopeless but I pushed myself and tried until I finally got there.
My hard work didn't go to waste. The accomplishment tasted so good after all that time of waiting.

Piece of advice, don't ever say "I can't". This word shouldn't exist when you are following your goal and want to accomplish something in your life. Nothing is impossible.
Work hard to get what you deserve! It's all worth it in the end :) Plus, you'll feel capable of doing anything.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Lies Lies Lies

Why is it so hard for people to say the truth? It's not that hard. Ok, it IS going to hurt sometimes, but it is better to confront each other with the truth than go around tying millions of knots of lies.

Once you go through the path of lying, you're stuck. And believe me, it is a short road and you will face a cliff where you will fall flat on your face because you just can't go on lying anymore.

Advice, ALWAYS tell the truth. No matter how painful it might be to you or to others, at least you will be respected for not lying.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Think Positive +

It's only normal that people feel sad or depressed. But when you think about it, there is always a brighter side, no matter how big and complicated the problem is, there is ALWAYS that little tiny thing that could make it all better and worth-while.

As I have noticed from people listening to peoples' complaints and problems, the majority of them tend to focus on the worse side of the problem, which makes it even worse as they get more upset and pissed off! That is NEVER a good way to go when facing a problem.

Even if you're facing the most enormous boundary in your whole life and you just feel like you've lost hope, search deeper inside and look for that little thread of hope that keeps you going. No matter how small it is, it'll work.

It could be your best friend, a family member, something you are passionate about, something you're looking forward to, ANYTHING! As long as it's gona get you through this boundary so that you can move on with your life.

Thinking positive and staying away from negativity seriously helped me get through life, I used to be a very negative person I must admit. But since I changed my way of thinking, I'm happier.

NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING is worth wasting your time and energy hating or stressing over.

Get rid of all that negative energy by writing poetry, painting, working out, going out with your friends... Believe me, it works.

Think positive and SMILE =D

Life's too short to frown!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Every soul's sanctuary.

If you're feeling happy, sad, angry, depressed, excited, energetic... There is over 20 genres that suit every mood.
One can find peace when listening to music, personally, I love the sound of the acoustic guitar, so calm and soothing.

There is nothing in particular to like about music, it could be the melody and it could be the words.

Some find solutions to problems in music, some find it as a way to let off some steam, some find it a way to express their happiness, some listen to it to get the tears out of their system, and some listen to it just to get crazy!

"Music is what feelings sound like"

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Piles and piles of lost poems
Pens dried out
Papers ran out
Ideas and thoughts sailed away
Yet, there are over a million things to write about
A million things to be inspired from
My mind rushes with thoughts and images...
Memories and messages...
Passages tied in knots in my head
Scrabbeling in my white paper trying to fill the lines
But I came out with nothing but twisted lies

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Judge me, see if I cared.

Goth, punk, freak, weirdo, snobby, ugly, cute, preppy, trashy...

And endless list judgmental words that people label each other with. Some might make it a big deal and start changing who they are just to please others.
Some couldn't care less of what other people think... someone like me.

I have been judged before, on what I wear, what music I listened to, what color nail polish I'm wearing.

I'm not going to lie, I used to care and it pissed me off like hell! I tried changing a bit but it still wasn't good enough for them.

That's when it hit me, it's NEVER going to be good enough for them. What I am is what I am, and what I am needs no excuse.

If they didn't like me for who I am, why should I even put an effort into changing WHO I am for them?

I'm happier now that I don't a give a flying fuck what people say about me, they can all go rot in hell for all I care lol.

Never be afraid to be who you are, despite the judgmental comments others may throw at you, never hide behind a fake mask just to make them happy.

At the end of the day, who you are is what makes you unique.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Secret Identity?

Nowadays, the world wide web is crawling with websites such as: Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, Tagged...etc. Those which require basic information about a person and a personal picture, or just any picture.

Some use celebrity pictures, some use a picture of something they like or are currently into (e.g. guitars, kittens, cars,..etc), some might even post their own personal picture which isn't exactly safe.

But what is happening now is that some people are stealing other peoples' personal pictures and post it as their own and pretend to be that person! Without any permission what-so-ever from the picture's owner. How sick is that?? (Sick; Definitely not in a good way!) How can someone possibly do that?? Dead conscience I guess.

In addition to that, some people go further with that crap by using family names that are not theirs' and completely destroying the reputation of that family without even being a member of the family! WTF? Again I say, SICK people, It's epidemic, seriously.

Ok, so bottom line, if you are ashamed of your picture/name/family name...etc whatever, don't even bother starting a profile on any of those sites! PERIOD! Just don't steal another person's identity just to hide yours, that's just retarded, STUPID in so many ways, and irritating to the extreme. There's a saying "It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for what you're not."

Use a nickname instead of your real name, upload a celebrity picture or any other picture that is NOT someone else's personal property, but DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!

Whoever does this, think twice before doing such a stupid move because you could end up screwing up someone's life by using their personal info/pictures.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All goes to waste

In life, you face boundaries, some might be small and easy to cross and some may be enormous and hard to get over.
You work hard, finding your way through this boundary, you ask for directions from this and that, each one leads you to an endless road of mazes!
No signs or directions what-so-ever, you're simply... LOST
Lost in your own way to your own future! Frustrating, depressing...
Just when you thought you found a way to cross this boundary, something comes over and knocks you down and you start all over again.

Some say: "Work hard to reach your goal". What if I worked my brains off and ended up in the same place I started from?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Dead & Gone

I'm standing between the ashes of my burnt soul
I've got nothing left in me
No love, no heart... no feelings
Just let me be in my hollow body
Nothing but the shadow of my broken soul wandering
Look at what I have become
Look at what you've made me to be
Killing me slowly
Sticking that thick knife into my heart slowly to make me feel the pain
In the bed of needles, I twist and turn
Nightmares of memories of the past keep haunting me
Stop the torture, stop the torment
I've reached my limit, I've got no more patience left in me
Leave me alone
Let me be...


Friendship, the most valuable treasure one can have, yet, you have to work hard to keep this friendship last forever.

We have our ups and downs, cries and laughs...

But there comes a time, when you suddenly feel you are being left behind by your closest friends and loved ones.
A dark shadow of loneliness takes over your life, who will you run to? You just run in circles hoping to find that exit sign to lead you out of this solitude.

An intense mixture of feelings; sadness, loneliness, fear, anger! But where will you let off the steam? Just think about it...

The ONLY person that understands you even when you're not speaking, is just a blur in your life right now. Barely hears you while you're crying your lungs out!

The fear of losing a close friend is saddening.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Taste My Anger

A soul with a lethal combination of chemicals
Acid runs through my veins
A ticking clock, almost reaching the dead line
A fatal body empowered by anger
I scream at the top of my lungs
I scream out every venomous breath
I scream until the ears of every hater bleeds
As they agonize with each word
I slice off their ignorant ears with my razor-blade words
Here I stand in the center of my own execution scene
Mindless lifeless bodies as far as the eye can see
The sun comes up, shines bright on the death scene
Heat so overwhelming, vaporizes each worthless soul to the unknown.