Thursday, October 15, 2009

Think Positive +

It's only normal that people feel sad or depressed. But when you think about it, there is always a brighter side, no matter how big and complicated the problem is, there is ALWAYS that little tiny thing that could make it all better and worth-while.

As I have noticed from people listening to peoples' complaints and problems, the majority of them tend to focus on the worse side of the problem, which makes it even worse as they get more upset and pissed off! That is NEVER a good way to go when facing a problem.

Even if you're facing the most enormous boundary in your whole life and you just feel like you've lost hope, search deeper inside and look for that little thread of hope that keeps you going. No matter how small it is, it'll work.

It could be your best friend, a family member, something you are passionate about, something you're looking forward to, ANYTHING! As long as it's gona get you through this boundary so that you can move on with your life.

Thinking positive and staying away from negativity seriously helped me get through life, I used to be a very negative person I must admit. But since I changed my way of thinking, I'm happier.

NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING is worth wasting your time and energy hating or stressing over.

Get rid of all that negative energy by writing poetry, painting, working out, going out with your friends... Believe me, it works.

Think positive and SMILE =D

Life's too short to frown!

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